How do I place a hold?

You can request that a hold be placed on an item that is currently checked out so you can check it out once it becomes available.

To place a hold, use the Place Hold button or the Select an Action drop-down list from the search results page or from the detail display for the item. You can manage your holds from the My Account page, but you cannot place a hold from My Account. To place a hold in person at your library, please see a librarian.

To place a hold

  1. Perform a search for the item or items you want.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the Search Results page or the Title Details page, find the item you want to place on hold and click Place Hold.
    • From the Search Results page, use the checkboxes to select multiple items and click Place Hold(s) from the Select an Action drop-down list. This option may not be available on mobile screens.

    Note: If you are not logged in to your library account, choosing the Place Hold option prompts you to log in.

  3. From the window that displays, select the pickup library from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Place Hold.

    A message displays that tells you whether or not the hold was successfully placed.



  • Last Updated Feb 09, 2023
  • Views 44
  • Answered By Sandra Bisnett

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