How do I place a hold?
You can request that a hold be placed on an item that is currently checked out so you can check it out once it becomes available.
To place a hold, use the Place Hold button or the Select an Action drop-down list from the search results page or from the detail display for the item. You can manage your holds from the My Account page, but you cannot place a hold from My Account. To place a hold in person at your library, please see a librarian.
To place a hold
- Perform a search for the item or items you want.
Do one of the following:
- From the Search Results page or the Title Details page, find the item you want to place on hold and click Place Hold.
- From the Search Results page, use the checkboxes to select multiple items and click Place Hold(s) from the Select an Action drop-down list. This option may not be available on mobile screens.
Note: If you are not logged in to your library account, choosing the Place Hold option prompts you to log in.
- From the window that displays, select the pickup library from the drop-down list.
Click Place Hold.
A message displays that tells you whether or not the hold was successfully placed.