How do I pay a fine online?

You may be able to pay fines online. You can also pay fines in person at your library.

To pay your fine online

  1. Click My Account in the menu bar at the top of your screen.

  2. Log in, if prompted.
  3. Navigate to the Fines tab, then expand the Current Fines/Blocks section.
  4. Select the fines you want to pay.

    Note: If you have a library credit on your account, click Apply Credit to use that credit.

  5. Click Make a Payment.

  6. Fill out your payment information.
  7. Click Submit.

    Note:  You will need to accept the Terms and Conditions before you can make the payment.



  • Last Updated Feb 04, 2023
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Sandra Bisnett

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