How do I move items from my Temporary List?

The Temporary List is a feature of our online catalog.  You can save the results of your catalog searches for another time using the My Lists feature. If you are not logged into your account, the searches will automatically go to the Temporary List.  If you are logged in to the system, you can move items into other lists that you have created, or you can save the entire list. In essence, you will be creating a new list out of the items in your Temporary List.

If you are not logged in, the list of titles will be cleared after your session has expired (about 10 minutes with no activity in the browser). You can log in after you have placed items in your Temporary List to move them to one of your saved lists.

To move items from your Temporary List

  1. Click My Lists from the menu bar.
  2. Select the titles you wish to move using the checkboxes next to the titles.
  3. Click the Select an Action menu, then select Move.
  4. Select the destination list, then click Move.


  • Last Updated Mar 10, 2023
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Sandra Bisnett

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