How do I filter the results of my search?

Search facets limit the results of your search by filtering the results by specific characteristics, such as author, media format (books, DVDs, musics, and so forth), or publishing date, to name a few.You can find facets under Limit Search Results on the left side of the page.Facets are listed by category, such as Author, Format, Item Type, Electronic Format, and so forth. Here are some ways you can use facets to refine your search:

  • Select a facet. Each facet narrows the search to specific works in the library. For example, if you select "Books," your search results will only include items that are books.
  • Select multiple facets. Each time you select a facet, the search results update, narrowing the search even further. For example, if you select "Books" facet and later select the facet for a specific author, your search results will only include books by that author.

  • Include or exclude facets. Each facet has Include and Exclude buttons. Set the checkbox next to one or more facets, then click Include or Exclude. "Include" requires all displayed search results to pertain to the facet. "Exclude" removes content pertaining to the facet from all displayed search results. For example, if you want to search for "potter" but don't want to include books by J. K. Rowling, you can filter out those books by excluding the "Rowling, J. K." Author facet.

The Publication Date facet has two views: Graph and Date. You can toggle between the two. The Date view works just like any other facet. The Graph view, however, has some other options:

  • Use the sliders to create a date range (for example, 1971-1990). Then select whether you want to include or exclude that date range in your search results.
  • Enter a date range in the text box (for example, "1971"-"1990"). If you want the date range to have no end (up to the current date), leave the second text box blank (for example, "1971" - ""). Likewise, if you want the date range to go back as far as it can go, leave the first text box blank (for example, "" - "1971"). Select whether you want to include or exclude that date range in your search results.

Experiment! Facets let you be very flexible with search results. Try using the different facets and see what results you get.


  • Last Updated Mar 14, 2023
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Sandra Bisnett

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